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                            WINN LAW GROUP

      Winn Law Group was acquired by The Gurstel Law Firm in 2022.
      Winn's name has changed, but the attorneys are the same and they operate just as they did before the buyout.
      If you are being sued or harassed by Gurstel/ Winn Law Group, or, if one of their clients already has a judgment against you, we can help.  We know Gurstel/Winn well from having opposed them for over a decade. As a result, we have been able to get our clients favorable results, either by quick settlement or through litigation - which gives our clients more time to obtain settlement funds - depending on their needs.

      The most common complaint we hear about Gurstel/Winn Group is that they are impossible to reach by telephone. The second is that they are heartless when they call you.
      We can help. First: We can get through to Gurstel/Winn because their lawyers want to settle cases at a discount rather than take the cases to trial.  Second: Gurstel/Winn can be "heartless" with consumers, because it's a one time relationship.  Because we deal with them repeatedly, they can't be "heartless" with us or we will simply return the favor.
      If you'd like to discuss your options in a Gurstel/Winn Law Group case, call us for a FREE consultation in total confidence, and with no obligation at
                            (877) 320-2380
     Gurstel/Winn's debt buyer cases have major evidentiary flaws, and therefore, when they face a capable debt defense attorney, they will settle the case very reasonably before trial. Sometimes, they may even dismiss their case.
    To learn how we can help you with a Gurstel/ Winn Law Group case, either fill out and submit the form to the right and we will contact you promptly, or call us toll-free at
877-320-2380 for a FREE consultation.


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The Rose Consumer Law Firm is the one of the finest law firms that I have ever encountered. Attorney William Rose is extremely knowledgeable, he is responsive to urgent matters, and he goes above and beyond to help people resolve their problems successfully.

                           - James M., Orange 

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